Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I didn't mean to but I already did

Life doesn't hand you little miracles by accident. 
The stars don't align and the ground doesn't open up beneath you so you can pretend it never happened. 
No, life hands you those cataclysmic events to wake you the fuck up. 
To shake you from your reverie.
The sheer boredom you've been pretending was your life. 
You're restless and stir crazy. 
The atoms have been swirling inside you, building and boiling. 
And no one seemed to hear your cry. 
And one day you looked up and saw me sitting there. 
A ghost from a world ago. 
And something in you shifted. 
And you felt calmer. 
And the atoms inside you slowed down, and drew you to my side. 
And as you wrapped your arms around me the atoms in me halted. 
And they all turned their heads to look in wonder. 
At what the fuck was happening. 
And life doesn't explain itself very articulately. 
It kind of teases and coaxes and changes as quickly as it begins. 
But I'm not sad or angry or confused anymore. 
But in awe. 
Pure inexplicable awe over the sheer force of it all.
The steps that led me to that spot, that place you'd collapse with me and renew a passion I'd so foolishly believed in. 
And maybe some connections were timeless and transcended the realms of understanding.
Maybe there weren't words for what was and would never be but would also never cease. 
Maybe ours was too wild to last and too rare to die. 
Maybe somewhere in me I knew, as silent as my phone was, whatever spot you were standing in now, my face was all you saw. 
That face that both delighted and terrified.
And some things are too beautiful and their force is too great. 
And somewhere in you you knew, as motionless as your hands are, they ached to hold me again. 

And the atoms in you would never stop violently spinning until your lips tasted mine.
When the sky opened up 
and we fell 
And sang the duet
You haven't written yet. 

But the melody, the melody's been stuck in your head for months. 

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