Ireland blocked me on Instagram.
I didn't even know you could block someone on IG.
I actually had to Google it because I was like, Why can't I see his pictures anymore?
Let me back up for a moment.
When he saw the video I'd posted he "politely requested I remove it immediately."
Mother of Pearl was I pissed.
One: I poured hours into editing that project.
B: It literally took a full HOUR to render & upload.
And D: Where was his flattery & amusement?
I wanted him to feel appreciated not freaked out.
Clearly our comfort level with social media bordered on the bi polar.
I shared everything with anyone.
And he didn't even use Facebook.
How could two people who had insane chemistry be so wildly different?
I changed my video for the Fucker.
No, it wasn't just for him.
I'd forgotten to include my intro which really pissed me off.
(What is this amateur hour?)
And I conceded that using anyone's first name was probably a privacy violation.
Blah blah fine whatever.
Re edited re rendered.
Re video ed.
And now this.
Blocked from a photo site?
What the eff?!
Now what did I do?
I can't handle people that are so S.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e
Grow a pair.
My balls are bigger than yours.
That is not sexy.
What's next?
Is my dick gonna be bigger too?
That would be quite an accomplishment, let me tell you.
Relationships are complicated.
Exhaustingly unnecessarily smacking your head against the coffee table complicated.
I'm not a placater.
I'm not gonna pretend I'm fine when I'm not.
And I'm not gonna kiss your ass just because it was the best sex of my life.
No no no.
I am 100% all in, raw, uncensored CLEAR about who I am, bat shit crazy, direct bitch.
If it cannot be handled by your well manicured hands then leave the hell alone.
Explanation pending.
But one thing is for sure.
I'm no longer saving for my airfare.
I can only imagine what would unfold in forced isolation together.
Not enough orgasms in the world.
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