33 doesn't sound like anything spectacular.
Except perhaps the realization that you're much closer to the 35+ box than the 25+ box.
If only I wasn't always attracted to 28 year olds.
They're not full grown men yet so it never works out.
You see.
I'm a full grown lady.
Like, a woman and then some.
A girlfriend of mine wanted to fix me up with some guy last week.
She was like, "Have you met Teresa Renee yet?" & he apparently replied, 'She seems like a lot.'
I AM a lot.
And I'm tired of that being a bad thing.
My gay boyfriend, Jimmy, took me out the other night.
He wanted to make it up to me for missing my show.
He's known me less than a month and he wanted to make it up to me.
I think I'm in love.
He treated me to dinner & drinks & dancing & even kissed me goodnight.
He was far more charming than most of the dates I go on.
Which probably says more about me.
Or more about the average male in Portlandia.
While we were outside and all the better for whiskey he admitted to me that I kind of overwhelmed him at first.
"I thought, she's really loud and a little obnoxious,"--
'What do you mean, everybody loved me!' I chimed in.
Jimmy shot me a, Oh Honey, Please smile.
"But I thought, I don't care, I love that about her."
And from the stories he'd shared with me it seemed he liked his women a little crazy.
Because we're a lot of fucking fun.
Now maybe the difference here is that Jimmy and I never slept together, we never would sleep together and maybe that made him able to handle the many facets of Reese.
It also meant my toxic vagina wouldn't turn him into a withholding ass canoe.
But more than anything, he made me feel accepted.
As I am.
Full of sass Moi.
That feels particularly special being that I lost both my friend and my lover this year for the same reason.
Being Moi.
The reason The Phantom wanted to stop dating me was because he watched one of my videos.
The videos that he declared he would never watch because he wanted to get to know me in person.
What a crock of shit. That fucker has spent more hours cyber stalking me than we ever spent in person. And then it's supposed to be my fault that he never got me.
The reason Sheldon wanted to stop being my friend is because of a blog I wrote.
Of course the vlog follow up I made didn't help anything but I'd already been banished from spending time with him because of his girlfriends OVERREACTION to what I wrote. I will add that Sheldon NEVER READ IT.
*Fumes Rage*
But you see OLD SCHOOL Resa would have totally withdrawn everything, removed the offending video, the offending blog, possibly even created a follow up apology, begged both The Phantom & Sheldon to reconsider and try to be the more quiet, less abrasive version of myself I've pretended to be with every guy I care about.
This is the real reason I'm single.
I've never actually been myself with anyone I've dated.
Because anytime I've attempted to, NO ONE has been able to handle it.
So how the fuck could I?
You'd be pretty fucking scared too if all the men you loved ran away from you.
"You're like a giant in a doll house, that's how you love," my brother told me once.
I scare the shit out of those poor bastards.
But this was the first year in my life where I lost men I didn't want to lose but I didn't want to mold myself into someone else to try and keep them.
I wanted them to change their minds.
But I wasn't going to change who I was to make that happen.
And that feels really fucking amazing.
Even if I'm not getting laid.
So yesterday morning when I woke up to this Facebook message from a girl I barely know who's another blogger I've connected with through Instagram, it made me feel fucking fantastic.
"Your blog posts are so very personal and I wholly admire that. As you know, I blog too....I've veered onto a rather personal subject about my life and I can't summon the courage to actually post it....So how do you do it? How do you be so open and unabashedly honest and not fear the response?"
I had just returned home after my surgery and it was the perfect thing for me to read.
She was worried she was bothering me and it was probably the greatest compliment she could give me.
When Sheldon got mad at me about my openness on my blog where I shared part of a story he told me he thought I was doing it simply to gain viewers.
When I tried to explain that I write to tell the truth, for my own sake, that I had never realized the details I shared were such a secret, (Get over yourself, doll face, everyone has anxiety. You're not special.) I was more upset that he was questioning my art than anything else.
I remember explaining to him that there was something bigger going on here, that I had literally decided I wanted to be committed to writing more and that very blog was my first step to that commitment and I wasn't backing down.
And now, here was some girl living in the UK who'd been reading my blog the past month or two asking me writing advice because of how blaringly obvious it was that my writing was raw truth.
THIS is what art is about.
Inspiration. Support. Collaboration.
The acceptance and challenge and belief that we are beautiful as we are and we are not alone.
And the expression and the receiving of that expression are exactly what it's all about.
I wrote her back,
"The thing of it is--no one, not even your Mother or your best friend, is going to agree with every thought and feeling that you have. So since there's no way to please everyone the only person you can please is You. I share because I'm a communicator. It's not enough for me to just write out my feelings in some private diary. I have to SHARE them. It's also why my ex refusing to communicate with me at all is so infuriating to me--I NEED TO SHARE! And more than that I need to be HEARD and VALIDATED....The people you want in your tribe are the people that love you for you as you are, not some projected version of yourself you're trying to be....And I think it's important to our own self acceptance, awareness, growth, to realize it's ok to be the fucked up people we are. Because people actually love us even more because of it."
And she wrote back,
"You're bloody fucking wonderful, did you know that?"
And I thought.
Yes I am.
And it feels really fucking incredible that someone else sees that.
Simply because I tell the fucking truth.
Find me a man who admires my honesty and doesn't hide from me, and he will be the one who'll climb mountains with me.
I'm not waiting for him.
He'll have to come join me on this adventure.
I've already started.