Thursday, August 20, 2015

Mario & My New Friends

Facebook is so random it almost seems rigged. 
When they started linking phone numbers to profiles Facebook kept suggesting all the guys I used to date under 'People You May Know.'
Nothing quite like logging on every morning and seeing the face of the guy who just wanted to snuggle, the kid who switched positions more times than a girl changes clothes, the guy who couldn't get it up after he paid for the motel or the guy who didn't fuck girls more than twice. 
Facebook suggested I be friends with all those assholes. 

Fuck you, Facebook.

But then there are the times when Facebook connects you with people who are absolute dolls. 
I posted something about Ghosting and asking friends if they'd ever had any experience with it and if they'd be willing to share their stories. 
And to my surprise and delight two guys responded. 
I honestly hadn't considered interviewing men. 
I figured I'd just talk to girls about the assholes who fell off the face of the planet because 2015 is the year of hiding behind your iPhone. 
But shame, thy name is Reese. 
Women are just as big of dicks as men. 

Somehow in addition to the interviews the topic of Mariokart came up and we decided to have a Mariokart party along with the interviews. 
And another girl decided to join in the fun as well and we suddenly had ourselves a high school reunion.
Smoke free class of 2000.
Well. Not anymore. 

I barely talked to these kids in high school let alone in my thirties. 
But we had SUCH a fun time. 
After the interviews, which were hilarious, we played Mariokart and continued laughing our asses off, we talked for hours. 
It was such a random gathering and yet I was comfortable around all of them.
We spent five hours together. 
We were like kids having a slumber party, whiling the hours away. 
Only since we're grownup we had to go to bed so we could get up early and go to work in the morning. 

It was this beautifully simple reminder of what a change in energy can do. 
For your soul.
What a difference it made being around people who want to be around you, who delight in you, who admire you. 
That sounds so obvious but this year I've been such a magnet for heartless users it really made me feel so loved being around them. 

I've spent so much time and energy trying to fight to keep people in my life who don't want to be there. 
When there's a world full of strangers who would love to stay up till one talking to me. 

And it was really fucking incredible to remember that. 

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