Thursday, August 27, 2015

Climb On

I lost both my climbing buddies this year. 

One would have been bad enough. 
But two was like, But who am I gonna climb with now?? 
Frowny face emoji. 

I couldn't climb with Sheldon anymore for obvious reasons (He was a giant stupid head) and I couldn't climb with Puppet anymore because she was being fiscally responsible and ended her membership. 

So that left poor little Resa all alone, just a pinup in her harness, staring around the enormous gym, thinking, Gee, it sure would be swell to have a belay partner.
(Preferably the buff bearded one I've decided I'm madly in love with. Except he already has a belay partner. The lucky bitch.)

But--miracle of miracles--Planet Granite has this handy dandy intercom and if you're looking for a climbing buddy you just go up to the front desk and let them know.
And they'll announce that someone is looking for a belay partner. 

Now, at first, I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, I was kinda nervous to do that. 


I LOVE to climb but I'm a total noob at it. 
The grade I climb is really low and the stronger you can climb the cooler you are in the climbing world. 
So me asking a complete stranger to climb with me was like running the risk of the quarterback being my date to prom while I stand there with braces and glasses. 
I do not feel "cool" at the climbing gym.
That's why losing my climbing friends has SUCKED because they didn't care that I only send a 1 while they send 4's. 
We'd just talk about how much sex we weren't having and laugh when each other fell. 

So now I had to put on my big girl panties and climb with strangers. 
(Don't worry. I don't take candy from them, though.)
But I was a-scared.
And what if no one wanted to climb with me and then I would be in my braces and glasses and stood up!
Crying face emoji. 

So I finally one day realized how ri-DICK-ulous I was being and since I no longer was living at the theatre since the show was over I took my cute butt to the climbing gym and asked the front desk if they could find me a belay partner. 

Maybe it'll even be some hot guy, I thought. 

Within 30 seconds a short, Asian guy came up and said he'd climb with me. 
Ok, so he wasn't exactly my knight in shining armor but we climbed for an hour and he was really nice. 
And last night I went and asked them to find me a climbing buddy again and quickly met some taller cutie and climbed with him. 

So maybe being partner-less wasn't such a bad thing.
It forced me out of my comfort zone which is already what climbing does for me. 
And it even got me meeting new people. 
Which I love. 

Time out.
It's at this point that I set my pen down and stopped writing (Yes, I actually write in a notepad before I type this up) because I was at work and some hottie mc-hot hot came up and started asking me what I was writing about and then he said something, which I've already forgotten about a dog and I said, 'I'm totally gonna blog about the fact you called me a dog' except that's not actually what he said and then he asked me what my blog was so I wrote it down for him and he was so fucking dreamy. 

If you're reading this you bearded Zeus, you, then we should totally go out. You can have PBR & I'll have whiskey cuz I realized nobody calls it Pabst from the vacant way you looked at me and I obviously don't drink beer. 

And now I'm so fucking distracted I can't even write anymore. 

GOD I love beautiful men. 
They are the answer to life, the universe and everything. 

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