Thursday, June 16, 2016

It's You.

I don't expect anyone to understand.
I don't understand. 
But I kind of think the most painfully beautiful things in life often make no fucking sense. 
And yes, I am a romantic. 
And I believe in the overwhelming, intoxicating force that is love. 
I think you can love anyone and you can fuck anyone and you can live any number of different versions of your life and be happy. 
You seem really happy. 
I am happy. But I'm happier with you.
But there are a few rare things, a person or two in a lifetime, that are game changers. 
And their presence takes your joy to an incomparable level. 
And likely, with such intense joy, there is also intense pain. 
And your friends think you're making the wrong choice. 
And they're probably right. 
Except they don't understand that there's no moral compass when it comes to matters of the heart and body and soul. 
It simply is. 
And giving in is sometimes the only way to live truthfully. 

This time is different because we've connected in every way 
It's frustrating and also painfully -literally- beautiful, because in the fifteen months I'd known this person it was the first night I realized how deeply connection existed between us. 
Great sex is easy to right off as common lust, pheromones and base carnal instinct, stemming from nothing other than body chemistry. 
And really girl, you should think with your head and not your pussy. 
But great sex and great conversation?
Great sex and three hour phone calls that leave you physically aching for one another but also so contentedly happy simply to hear the resonance of the other persons voice?

The truth is often a complex thing. 
We're so ingrained to believe things are this or that. 
You are or you aren't. 
When truth, truth is often a little of both. 
And the truth I can communicate may not even encompass my actual truth because there are truths within me I haven't even acknowledged yet. 
And maybe some truths can never be fully lived. 

He loves. 
And I love. 
And it doesn't make sense. 
And it's reckless and unstable and unpredictable and painfully inconsistent. 
But it is. 
And it's me. 
It's him. 
And it's you. It's you. And it's you. 

And I don't know. 
I sincerely have no fucking idea. 
Any day is brighter with you in it. 

And timing 
Fucking timing 
It giveth
And then takes it all
Every tingle in my body
Every overwhelming smile that fucking hurts my face
Every fantasy
Fantasy I hate that word, but you are, you are my fantasy
The images of every place we'd make love
The movies we'd see
The cuddles and chats and hours spent endlessly falling deeper, further in love
Further at the mercy of the others hands
Simply to be
Exist entirely
In the blissful state that had alluded us both the entirety of our time

Full of peace
Simply to sleep
Per chance to dream
No longer need of dreams
For finally being in
In the dream that haunted both our nights
Continually knawing at our insides
Go to her
Go to him

And life continues
And there is joy without each other 
There is fire and laughter and tears and rage 
That exist in a life void of this dream. 

But my heart-

My heart hears the soft cry of his 
singing for mine
And where time trudges on
And I, at its mercy, march forward,
The belief in this love pervades 
Breathes life
Into my longing soul 

I used to go there just so I could look at you. Because just seeing you made me happy.
Don't you think I fed on those moments? That maybe they got me through the day, through everything?

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