Thursday, June 30, 2016

just say goodnight

They want me to forget you already
A part of you does too
Look ahead 
You have to let me go
And you want me to remember what you've done 
but if I focused on all the hurtful things the men I love have done 
I'd never giggle when I saw a rainbow 
and I want to be that little girl 
that woman 
who has the hope of the stars reflected in her eyes

And I let go of your hands because you asked me to 
but sometimes we say things we don't mean 
and your eyes told me you wanted to hold me a little longer 
but your arms forgot how 
because they carried too much pain 

And I know we don't know 
but a year ago I believed 
when no one else did 
in nights around that river 
I sent you love 
and I wished I pleaded in those stars and so much time passed 
and you stood before me wanting your lips on mine 
I knew
It was still there
Always there
Even when you let go forget try to forget not feel think remember feel think 
If I work hard enough it will go away
Will it now?
If you ignore the truth it's still the truth
And it's still in you inside deep within
The whisper
My name

So now I'm the only one again who believes in all that's here 
and it's lonely 
So fucking lonely without you 
without those eyes 
Those eyes that so love looking into mine 
Drowning in mine
My body was your life raft 
and your guilt carried you
Willing you to push me away 
So you could suffocate in peace
Dear one
Everything is blurred now and you can't receive my kisses anymore 
And I can't hold you and lessen the pain
And I can't smile and light the room so it's brighter for you to see
I can't do anything or be anyone
And I'm already some transparent ghost
A hologram of what could have been
Has always been
Waiting for you to reach out and hold

And I don't care
No one believed me a year ago 
And no one believes me now
Not even you
And it's lonely
So goddamn lonely
Being the only one who believes
In anything 
But I don't care
I don't fucking care how fucking wrong you all think I am
Even you
I am the guardian of this heart
And I will run and scream and cry for it and it alone 
And dance naked in my living room every night
Like the night you played your favorite song in all the land
Because I must
And I float 
And if your arms ever remember
How whole they felt wrapped in mine
Just call 
Whisper my name
And it will be
It just is
Like the beauty and the pain and the fantasy 
This fantasy isn't 
It's always been your reality

So wake up.

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