Friday, January 8, 2016

Takeaway this, bitch

This week was the second time in the last month I've felt like a territorial big sister ready to kick the ass of some bitch who done wrong my friend.
Snatches can snatch all they want with me. 
Wait. That sounds wrong. 
That's not what I meant.
But pick on one of my soul sisters and I just want to walk up to you and punch you in the vagina. 
You heard me, you self righteous cunts.

My girlfriend had a girlfriend and at first she was excited about her. 
But as what happens with dating my friend discovered their compatibility was not what she had believed it to be. 
That fucking happens.
It's a natural part of dating. 
We meet. 
We click.
We lust.
Maybe we love.
And then we either stop loving or never leave each other the hell alone. 
I should write Hallmark cards.

My problem with the dick of a woman aggravating my friend is, their relationship was already open.
From the get go, there was a supposed acceptance and understanding of where the other was at, the newness, the uncertainty.
The page they were on was I really dig you, let's see where this goes, knowing we each have the freedom to explore with other partners. 
But time reveals all things, and time showed the girl to be a rather self involved partner and the over indulgence waned on my friend and she doubted their connection. 

And even though they started out supposedly in this place of open acceptance she bombarded and accosted my friend with verbal diarrhea calling her a narcissist.

Hey. Bitchy Mcbitcherson.
My friend is not a narcissist just because she doesn't want to put up with your shit.
I remember when she first met you. 
And how every atom in my body was thinking RUN cuz you be a crazy hoe.
And I knew that long before my friend got mixed up in all this.
The only narcissist in your relationships is YOU. 
It's why your breakups always turn out the way they do.
It's why your presumptive email made me want to reach through the Internet and bitch slap you til you cried like a male virgin.
My friend is a pearl.
She's fucking amazing. 
And sometimes people date and it doesn't work out. 
At least she communicated openly and honestly with you about where she was at. 
You didn't need to be so damn impolite just because she didn't want you.
I hope you feel like a giant asshole for a long time because no one you've slept with likes you.
And the next time you mess with my friend I'm coming after you and karate chopping your ass.

Love, Resa

Fuck with my friends and I'll fuck with you.
And we all know, I fuck harder.

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