If women were honest with the men they dated, this would be the first thing we'd tell them.
Hi. I have a propensity for over reacting and being hyper sensitive and generally my way of dealing with it is acting out in ways that reassure and validate me but generally will piss you the hell off so if you could just make sure to always text me back and tell me I'm pretty we should be fine.
I think I just wrote my Tinder self description.
The truth seems to grow increasingly more complicated as we get older.
I kind of miss the days when the only thing I cared about with a guy was what bands he listened to.
We had no fucking clue how simple things were back then.
My girlfriend got dumped on New Years.
Can you imagine?
What idiot is like, I know, I'll plan an evening with my gal, take her to dinner and then right after wishing her a happy new year, ask, Do you think we're compatible?
What a cotton headed ninny muggins.
Hey buddy.
You're the one that wanted to be exclusive with my friend, remember?
You're the one whose tooooootally not cute enough to be with her.
Timing, good sir, could have reduced your epic shit show.
So we did what all women do when some idiot does us wrong-we roasted the hell out of him.
I tried to watch Sherlock with him and ten minutes in he's like, I don't really like this.
'Whaaa?? Dump him immediately. It's over! Who doesn't like Sherlock?
And with such simple reasoning what else is there to even consider?
But as we talked late into the night it was really more than that.
Any rejection, even if it's from a guy you know isn't right for you, is still a rejection.
And my friend didn't understand why people you share a connection, an intimacy with, so easily can just cut you out.
So you are no longer a part of the story of their life.
And it rang true to my own heartache.
But the thing is, we don't have that many hours in that many days.
And we're older and have things we want to do and things we're obligated to do and the amount of time we have for relationships is limited.
Nobody ever wants to think about that.
But you can't stay friends with everyone.
Because everyone would require more energy than you possess.
What you can do, is adore and cherish the ones who do make time for you, who do love you enough to want you in their story.
And it fucking sucks there are always going to be people who don't think you're compatible or don't see the point in meeting for coffee and there is nothing, absofuckinlutely nothing you can do to change them.
But I do believe when we are rejected by one, one lover or girlfriend, someone who doesn't dig our quirks or delight in our eccentricities, it opens this tiny window for someone else to step in and fill their place.
And you hate admitting that's okay because there's actually enough love in your heart that it could be anyone.
It doesn't have to be them.
Even if you wanted to believe that.
People enter and depart and the trickiest part is allowing yourself the openness to be vulnerable with them.
And then the forgiveness to completely let them go when they never return your texts again.
No relationship is forever.
Because something, willingly or not, will always tear you apart.
So while they are here, each darling kindred, hold onto every moment.
And rejoice when there's suddenly new room in your life for someone even more right for every ounce of crazy dancing through you.
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